Tuesday, July 31, 2007

what a weekend...

I think I underestimated the effort of making River in San Antonio, while living in Houston! 180 miles is a killer! ;( and with all the location scouting, i think i did about 600 odd miles in 2 days...

But the fun is worth it....it is awesome that we are actually attempting to pull it off in just one weekend! That means that we shoot all day saturday and all day sunday. Man, I am so not looking forward to that Monday...

It is now official. This is where we are shooting the poker scene:

A wine cellar was definitely not the first choice, but it just looked fabulous. The irony is that 'zinc' is the restaurant where I first narrated the script to Mari and Scott! ;)

The restaurant scene will be at the Oak Hills Tavern...easily the most hung-out place for Frost & Sullivan employees.....have had many memorable and forgettable nights there ;)...Daxton is meeting the rather 'cold sounding' owner today.

Most of the casting is finalized......but Federico continues to be a challenge. Have too many choices.....but I guess it is a good problem to have. Hopefully by Wednesday night, we should be all set!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

River - Locations

Here are the most probable locations for the restaurant. Let me know what you think. I personally feel that 'bumdoodlers' has the most suitable floor plan, but the wall colors suck. Spechts has beautiful insides, but:

- does not have the 'door' for the last scene
- we do not have permission yet

First 3 are Bumdoodlers and last 3, Spechts':

Friday, July 13, 2007

The River

I think 'River' gets kicked off officially tommorrow. I hope to be on the road scouting for one of the two locations. It is such a relief that there are only two, as against the 7 for haze. I dont think any of us want to try that out again.

I personally think some parts are a bit over the top...but most of my friends have told me it does not sound cheesy. I am not sure if they are just being nice to me!