A zazillion Thanks to:
Jim Fox - for putting up with me for 4 straight weekends and editing & sound designing the film into a 'fun' piece. And for helping out during the shoot!
Mariscela - for shooting till her last week in San Antonio
Wes - for driving down all the way from Houston and for doing such a great job with the cigar!!
Barath - for handling the Boom for almost 2 full days!
Kiran - for those wonderful curtains and million other things on the sets
Victoria - for feeding all of us for 2 days and for the brilliant cameo!
Scott & Theo - for making the restaurant scene look so good! (and scott for sporting the 'blonde' just for the film!!!!!)
and Christie, for agreeing to be in the film (and saving the last day) in such a short notice!!
and of course Angela, Miki, Steve, Dr. Alves, Ashwin, Jorge, Dax, Hank and all of Mari's 'boys'. Will save their 'thanks' for the wrap party!